Sunday, March 29, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Lately I've been looking for some kind of inspiration about where to live. I've received no such inspiration. In fact, there seems to be very little pull on me in any particular direction. This leads me to believe that perhaps I should stay here until I do feel drawn somewhere. I realize, however, that in order to receive any kind of confirmation, we should "study it out". I've decided to make a list of pros and cons for you all to enjoy! Feel free to weigh in.

------The Official Pro/Con List for Ami Staying in Oklahoma------
Pro: Not paying rent.
Con: Not being independant.
Pro: Awesome storms.
Con: Tornadoes.
Pro: Sometimes it's 70 degrees in January.
Con: Sometimes it snows randomly in the Spring.
Pro: Small, close circle of friends.
Con: Limited possibilities for making new friends.
Pro: Fireflies.
Con: Mosquitos.
Pro: Keeping my job.
Con: Keeping my job.
Pro: Lower gas prices.
Con: Less places to go.
Pro: Being close to the family.
Con: Not all of the family.
Pro: Saving $$.
Con: Saving $$ very slowly.
Pro: Security.
Con: Lack of adventure.

I'm torn...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Popular Vote

Our stake has an annual adult prom. Normally my parents go... but since my mom's been "out of comission" I thought I'd go with my dad. So off we went in our snazzy duds to the party. (I know we have pictures, but I couldn't find any to post.)

It was lovely. The food was fabulous! Let me just say... my dad is quite the dancer! You can live with a guy your whole life and not know a thing about him, I swear. Anyway, I even had him attempting the electric slide at one point.

After dancing the night nearly away, we were winding down and getting ready to go when an announcer came over the microphone to announce the "2009 king and queen." Yup, you guessed it! Somewhat sheepishly we stepped up to the front to accept our sashes and my roses. Embarrassing. And I say I never win anything...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Love and Laughter

Haha. Okay, I hate to admit that I'm writing a blog post about The Bachelor, but it rekindled some memories and inspired some thoughts. Allow me to share!

So as most of you will have heard by now, Jason chose Melissa. Then tonight, after being with Melissa through the last few months, he broke up with Melissa and asked Molly (the other girl) for a second chance. Of course Molly was thrilled. Why does it not occur to her that he could get sick of her just as easily?! It brought up a little anecdote from my past... Some of you have already heard it.

I'm fairly certain I can safely share this story, since I'm 103% sure he'll never read my blog. A little over a year ago, my apartment was assigned a new apartment of boys for our FHE family. Two of my roommates and I went over Sunday evening to chat before we had FHE the next night. After FHE Monday night, one of my "brothers" pulled me aside and said, "Hey, I just feel like I need to let you know that I have a girlfriend." (sidenote: I don't think I gave him any reason to need to have this conversation.) He went on to explain that he still wanted to hang out with me..I should just keep in mind he has a girlfriend. I let him know I was completely okay with the fact that he was taken.

Long story short: He went to run errands a few days later with a roommate and myself and we were in the children's story section of Deseret when he sits me down to tell me that he's supposed to be engaged to this girl, but since he met me (4 days ago remember) he's been having second thoughts. "Do you think there's a chance between us?" Very flattering. Not super tempting. Why would I want to date someone who would break an engagement for someone he doesn't know?

I later found out that I made a fabulous call on that. As it turns out, he's an underwear recycler. Apparently it can air out while he showers. Don't ask how I found that out.

Truth be told -- I just like excuses to tell that story. It's much better in person!