Confession: For quite some time I've very much wanted to become a Roller Derby Girl. (I even have my name picked out, but I can't tell you what it is for fear it may be stolen.) Skating happens to be one of my talents and I often enjoy some fierce competition (except in terms of dating, but that's another topic altogether.)
Last night I went with my sister to the championship match between the Coffin Draggers and the Runaway Brides. Somewhere between jams I realized that this will likely be added to my list of dreams that never came to fruition. Partially because I don't think I can pull off the little outfits. (I'm very anti-public wedgie.)
This afternoon in Relief Society, the teacher had us write down the things we wanted to be when we grew up. Most of the girls probably wrote down things like "doctor" or "teacher." My list looks like this:
- Miss America
- marine biologist
- one of Barker's Beauties
- circus performer
- Olympic gymnast
- jet pilot
- tall
Basically, I set myself up for disappointment. The only plausible possibility was marine biologist and, as it turns out, I'm terribly afraid of sharks.
Now I'm not saying. "Let's all cry for Ami," but I am still single with a less-than-ideal career path living with three other chicks (which I love, in case they're reading) and have little money. Not quite where I imagined myself at 26.
Today we sang a hymn in church (painfully slowly) that says, "Be still, my soul. The waves and winds still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below." It was kind of a nice reminder to me that Someone is still in charge. Luckily for me, this Someone knows and cares about me and probably has better ideas for my life than knee pads and tiny shorts.
"...and that is an encouraging thought."**
**Yes, I made another Lord of the Rings reference. I don't know why I'm single.
9 years ago