Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life's DMV

Lately I've been in sort of a slump that I'm referring to as my "mid-twenties crisis." When I mention it, people ask what I mean... but it's rather difficult to explain.

This afternoon it occurred to me that I feel as if I'm at the DMV, but on a much larger scale. The DMV of life. I picture it having a number of windows. Perhaps there's the "dream job" window, the "fabulous spouse" window, and a number regarding talents and hobbies.

So here I am at this giant DMV...unsure which line I'm supposed to be in, and nobody is calling my number.

I didn't even bring a magazine.


Jallin said...

You are hilarious. That is all.

Britanee Walker said...

that's hilarious but yet, so true!

Brooke said...

I just love when you do posts. You should do it more often! And I KNOW that fabulous spouse is out there. He is probably at the DMV right now as well....

Marie said...

Dude, I've been camping out at this DMV for YEARS and they never call my number. I've even seen return customers get their number called AGAIN and yet here I sit...waiting patiently in my pup tent & sleeping bag.

Mom said...

Cute, Ami! or cute Ami. Love you tons. Would you know your number if someone did call it?

By the way, I think there is a "mid-whatever crisis" for every decade of our lives. Myabe more.
Fun thought don't you think?

Erin said...

That's terrible! I can't think of a worse place to be than the DMV! Heck, maybe? I dunno-they're comparable!

Erin said...

Okay, maybe that was harsh. I just read everyone else's comments and they're all about "cute". I just think if you are making a comparison to the DMV its pretty serious because I can't stand the place!

Ami said...

I feel the comparison most effectively reflects my feelings in a way that others can understand what I mean. Everyone hates the DMV, but it's a necessary evil. Also... this period of my life is unavoidable, as ridiculous as it may seem right now.