Okay, so this title may be misleading. It is in no way a complaint or cry for help. Recently I was thinking about all the ways that I'm better off having had this time to myself; Things I otherwise wouldn't have learned or realized. Some were inspired by others, some I determined myself... And since I'm a fabulous list maker, you can imagine what's coming up! Here we go.
I'm happy that I've been single long enough to:
Understand that not being interested in me does not make a boy stupid. I love it when someone says to me, "You're single? Oh, boys are just stupid!" No. They aren't. They just aren't in love with me, and that's okay.
Learn to kill my own spiders. Granted I may still stop dead in my tracks and stare for five minutes to fully assess the situation, plan my attack, and get up the courage... I now know that I can get by until I find someone to do it for me.
Just be the cool aunt for a while. I imagine I'm much better at it when I don't have my own children to distract me.
Have friends who know me as myself without the association of being somebody's child, wife, or mother. (Good point, Jess.) There is definitely some value to this, as I believe these are a few of my strongest and most lasting friendships.
Decide that being high-maintenance is perfectly acceptable when you are maintaining yourself. I never have to feel guilty getting a pedicure or haircut when I'm not asking someone else to support me.
Realize that being single does not indicate that something is wrong with me. Imperfect people marry other imperfect people every day... and I'm not looking for perfection anyway.
I'm sure there are more, but these are the things that have come to mind. Suffice it to say that being single is not all bad and I believe I'm better off for it... for now.
9 years ago