Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sounds Like Home

When I was younger, I had a lot of trouble sleeping at night. Every night at midnight and 2 a.m. there was a train that would come through.  I looked forward to hearing that train whistle because for at least that moment, I knew I wasn't the only one awake.

Right now I think I'd give almost anything to hear a train whistle.

While I'm up, I thought I'd make a list of some of the other odd noises I love:

Whether during a storm in the middle of the night or at noon of the first Monday of the month for testing, I've come to love the sound of tornado sirens. The eerie wailing has become a source of comfort.

The sound of an attic fan turning on was an immediate sign that 1) it was probably the weekend and 2) it was almost summer.  Usually this was the noise I would wake up to on Saturday morning and the sound I went to sleep to Sunday evenings.

Thunder. No, not low, rumbling, rolling thunder... the house-shaking, window-rattling thunder.  If it doesn't put a little of the fear of God into you, it isn't the real thing.

That sound that a water hose makes when you first turn it on before all the air bubbles are out. (Water also tastes best from the hose... just FYI.)

Our pool was right outside my bedroom window. Some nights, the source of my sleeplessness was the frogs.  They would usually settle down by midnight, though. (Just in time for the trains...)

Airplanes flying overhead.  I spent a lot of time playing outside by myself while my siblings were at school. Along with the birds (and tornado siren testing if it was the first Monday of the month) the airplanes were the noises of the afternoon.

That'll do for now. I'm off to wait for sleep...or the train.  Whichever comes first.


Jenn said...

Wow. You weren't the only one awake, I was awake too, but I don't remember a train.... Maybe my ceiling fan was too loud and drowns out the sound :) sorry you still have insomnia (as do I).

Brooke said...

Love it - especially the thunder.