Sunday, March 1, 2015


This morning I read a quote on a friend's Facebook wall that stated:

Life is like an Elevator.
Sometimes, on your way up,
you have to stop and 
let some people off. 

While it may be true that there are individuals and relationships we have to let go of in order to grow, I would argue that my life's elevation has been more greatly impacted by the people I have let on than those I've let off along the way. 

Growing up with social anxiety, I was content to hit the "close doors" button (frantically) at each stop rather than let anyone step on.  I've learned, however, that that is essentially the equivalent of stopping the elevator altogether.  Any progress I have made and all I hope to achieve could not and will not be possible on my own.  The family, friends, coworkers and strangers who support and inspire me daily have lifted me to where I am.  Even those who have hurt me the most deeply have somehow directed me into the arms of those who now love me the most.  I'm grateful for every person who has boarded my life's elevator, however briefly.  In a way, I will carry them all with me to the top. 

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." - C.S. Lewis

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