Thursday, August 19, 2010

In the Raw... (no nudity)

Well, I did it. On August the 17th, 2010... I ate sushi. With the help and savvy of my good friend Jessica, I've actually accomplished a goal from the Everlasting Bucket List. This occasion was monumental enough to warrant photographic proof.

This is the sushi from a restaurant called Koni Grill. Looks okay, right!?

This is my mentor giving me the chopsticks tutorial.
And this...

Is me taking my first bite ever of sushi!

The verdict:
Sushi is disgusting. The textures, the flavors (or sometimes lack thereof) were a little off for me. there were a lot of things on the menu I would much rather have had. Will I ever have sushi again? It's safe to say it wouldn't be my idea. I'm definitely glad to have the experience! Thanks, Jess!

"Eat Sushi' has been replaced with "Get a Spray Tan" on the list.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Truly Everlasting

So... some of you may recall the unveiling of the ever-so-clever "Everlasting Bucket List." Some of you may even have been thinking, "Wait, wasn't the idea that Ami would be working toward accomplishing those goals, all the while replacing them with new goals? What's the hold-up?"

Short answer: I'm lame.

Long answer: Some of these goals are much more impossible than they seem. Let me give you a few examples of the roadblocks along my way.

1) I've been growing poorer with each passing month. With just this one excuse I can wipe out "Take a dance class," "Play the harmonica," "Visit New York," "See Versailles," "Get a Passport," and "Get a massage."

2) I live in the desert and it's summertime. This removes "Snowboard," "Go rock climbing," and "Camp in the mountains."

3) A few of them are very obscure. I've done some serious searching and have not found any record of a "Gunther" anywhere in the state of Arizona.
Also, apparently the only places to legally hold a koala are actually in Australia. Did I mention I'm broke?!

4) Some are just out of my hands. This includes "Meet a celebrity," and "Win some money." Although a girl at church this week told us all how the singer of Linkin Park walked into Subway the other day. I go there all the time! I guess I'm just one of those people that are in the right place at the wrong time. *Sigh*

That pretty much covers them all... except for "Eat Sushi." The problem with this one is that when I decide it's dinnertime, I almost never think about raw fish. As soon as I find the motivation to choke down some slimy seafood, you'll all be the first to hear about it.

All in good time. I guess I just didn't expect the list to be quite so everlasting!