Saturday, October 6, 2012

Accessory: (adj) Subordinate; Supplementary; Additional

Yesterday I woke up in an existential emo funk that lasted most of the day.  (This doesn't happen infrequently, but pleae don't confuse it with depression or anything close to suicidal.)  I realized that I sometimes feel exhausted from constantly trying to validate my own existence.  The fact is this: As far as my current relationships in life are concerned...I lift right out.

If I were to suddenly cease to exist, at most it would be a bummer... perhaps even an inconvenience for some.  For example, at work under certain circumstnaces it may take up to 10 minutes before someone could be available to take over my position, and my roommates would have to come up with my third of the rent.  That would be incovenient.  Beyond that, nobody would be seriously put out.  I came home and expressed this concern to one of my roommates )with an embarrassing amount of emotion) with the conversation culminating in my exclaiming...

"I'm just an accessory!"

...after which we both broke down into hysterical laughter. Yes. I'm ridiculous. But this is how it is. I would be missed in the way that one misses a bracelet that slips off unnoticed. Later they would say, "Dang it. I did like that bracelet!" then run to the mall for a replacement accessory. 

When I looked up the definition of the word, I found a few that fit pretty well with how I had originally meant it... and one that might work better.

Accessory: (noun) Something nonessential but desirable that contributes
to an effect or result.

I started to think more about what type I would be.  Maybe that's really what makes all the difference. 
I thought of three categories:

  • Costume jewelry:  Pretty inexpensive and extremely replaceable. Nevertheless fun to have.
  •  Heirlooms: Not always nice to look at and may never be worn, but worth keeping around for sentimental value or obligation.
  • Engagement/wedding rings:  Typically expensive and symbolic of something deeply meaningful. (Also super sparkly!)

So maybe all accessories can't be counted equally.  I'm sure I'm a different kind of accessory to everyone that knows me.  Perhaps not essential to any, but in some way desirable with something to contribute to most. Good enough for now.
"Accessories are important and becoming
more and more important every day." -Giorgio Armani

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Hey there! Definitely NOT an accesory in my family's life. We frequently wish you were here and look forward to you being here in 13 days.