Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just a Few Laughs

My nephews Brigham and Hunter went to the zoo with me yesterday. On the way home, Brigham decided we should turn the radio off and tell jokes. Great idea! He and I swapped a few jokes, then Hunter (4 years old) threw out a couple of his own. Here's how it went:

My Joke:
Why did the skeleton go to the movies alone?
- Because he had no body to go with him.

Hunter's Joke:
Why did the water bottle go to the theatre?
- Because he had no water bottle friends.

Brigham's Joke:
Why was the baseball stadium so hot after the game?
- Because all the fans left.

Hunter's Joke:
Why was it so hot at the beach?
- Because there were no fans.

My Joke:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Impatient cow.
Impatient cow...

Brigham's Joke:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Impatient dog.
Impatient dog...

Hunter's Joke:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Impatient turtle.
Impatient turtle who?
Looked in my rearview mirror to see a very puzzled little face. Finally he shrugged and we all had a good laugh. Best joke ever.


- jeana said...

made me smile and giggle. =) thanks ami and boys!

Brooke said...

what a nice aunt you are. And those are some sweet jokes!

Lauri said...

My mother taught my girls knock knock jokes when they were 3 and 5. I still want to kill her for it. Lily (who is Brighams age)is starting to actually get them. Alyssa is not. We get
Who's there?
Apple who?
Apple that is not a banana!

Mom said...

VERY phunny, Ami! And cute besides. Glad you could take them..jokes and all.

Lori Jane said...

Oh I don't know who you are...but I think we should be friends. You live a funnier account of my life. Your Dopes I've Dated blog is equally hilarious!