I was asking my family what they wanted to Christmas the other evening when I encountered three different approaches to answering. My sister April said, "I don't know. Whatever." My dad said, "Check my list." My sister Brenda said, "A Jason Mraz cd." You can guess which of them has a gift from me under the tree.
Response #1 - "I don't know"
When you use this one, you really put yourself in a tricky spot. You are guaranteed something you either don't want, don't need, or both. In my personal opinion, when you say "I don't know" to someone who asks what you want, you forfeit your right to a Christmas gift from that person.
Response #2 - "Check my list"
This is a better reply than the first, but still leaves some problems. There's always the chance that two people could choose the same item from the list to buy, for one. When this happens, both feel dumb... and there's some strange guilt you feel with having to choose which to return.
Response #3
Perfect. Flawless. You are guaranteed to get exactly what you want... and assuming you tell everyone something different to buy, there will be no duplications! Sure it may remove some of the element of surprise, but who likes surprises anyway!?
Go ahead...ask me what I want.
9 years ago
I would like a new set of pans. Okay Ami? Can you get that shipped asap? What would you like? :)
I'm not gonna lie. I kinda want the new David Cook album. Everyone said it wasn't good but I've liked what I've heard. I might buy it. :o)
What kind of pans do you most fancy?
How 'bout a Hillary Duff CD? Do you want one of those?
If you've got one! ;o) I just didn't want to tell Brooke. That's when you run the "Response #2" risk.
I have a thing on my blog with a GREAT gift idea. You should check it out :)
I am not picky about pans. Stainless steel is nice though :) ha ha
Oh but the Twilight Cd would be great as well! Don't judge me. I love that movie/books. Yes I do! And you can't tell someone you want a CD and then say, I might buy it. Come on girl! DON'T buy it!!! :)
David Archuleta is much better, Ami. He's the David that should have won. :)
Totally off the CD subject....
HELLO AMI!!!! Dontcha just love M & Ms? You may have been to young to remember that particular gift, accompanied by a photo signed Ami Blamires Lynn.
How are you chica?
Lauri Moreno (Lundy) Jo
I disagree, Chris. Things are just as they should be. Both are good...very different styles. One I appreciate more than the other.
HI LAURI!!! I vaguely remember the M&Ms and autographed photo... hehe. Good to hear from you!
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