Saturday, September 26, 2009


The conference I attended in Dallas last weekend featured a fireside with President and Sister Uchtdorf. In order to get a ticket to the fireside, you had to register a week ahead of time online. Those of us who decided to go at the last minute received "stand-by" tickets.

When the time for the fireside came, they filled the chapel and cultural hall with "real ticket" people... then began squeezing in the "stand-by's." A few minutes before it began, and after I had gotten to the front of the line, an usher came and said, "I have seats for 8 more."

As it turned out, the seats he had were up on the stand with President Uchtdorf and his wife. I sat in the seat directly behind his two rows back. If I had thrown a paper airplane, it surely would've hit him. Great fireside and very lucky placement! I bet a few of those "real tickets" wished they could trade me seats. :o)

I found out afterwards that because I was behind him, my friend and I were both on screen for the entire fireside. Hmm... I only nodded off for a second! Honest!


Mom said...

You were very fortunate or maybe "blessed" is a better word for the situation. And thanks for not throwing an airplane!

Britanee Walker said...

lucky you! it's a real treat to listen to him and his wife!

Lauren MacKenzie Conley said...

I think President Uchtdorf - being a pilot - would have enjoyed a paper airplane.